Naples Train Stations and Maps

Main train stations and a country view rail map


Naples railway station, Napoli Centrale, is a bustling transportation hub in southern Italy. With its large and modern facilities, well-organised platforms, and convenient connections, it provides a gateway to explore the vibrant city of Naples and its surrounding attractions with ease.

Naples airport, officially known as Naples International Airport (Aeroporto di Napoli-Capodichino), is a modern and well-equipped facility. Located just outside the city, it offers convenient rail connections and efficient services for passengers, ensuring a smooth transition between air and rail travel.

Stations in Naples

Napoli Piazza Garibaldi 0.2 km
Napoli Centrale 0.4 km
Napoli Piazza Cavour 1.2 km

Italy rail map showing Naples

Italy rail map with Naples
Line Key
high speed and fast intercity trains available
normal train services available

Map and hotels near Naples