Pau Train Stations and Maps

Main train stations and a country view rail map


Gare de Pau (the main train station for Pau) is located around 100ft below the town and is accessed via the Funiculaire de Pau (a funicular railway, which is essentially a short rail line that climbs the mountain similar to a cog Railway system). The Funiculaire de Pau is open from 06:15 to 21:00 on Monday to Saturday, and afternoons on Sundays and public holidays, it's free to use. There are also other transport options available in the form of buses and taxis.

Stations in Pau

Pau Université 0.3 km
Pau Ville 0.6 km
Pau 0.9 km

France rail map showing Pau

France rail map showing Pau
Line Key
high speed and fast intercity trains available
normal train services available

Map and hotels near Pau